Senin, 28 Desember 2009

I LOVE YOU MOM (so much)

yes! biarin deh hari ibu udah lewat juga. udah lama ne ga nulis blog lagi kalo ga karena tugas mah eh menih males pisan. i wanna tell you about the topic yaitu alias dan adalah is the mommys day (uda lewat juga kalee) ahelah bodo amat!. okay the tittle in above is the words that i can tell to everyone to described my feeling! kayak yang kita tau gitu kemaren kan hari ibu. tapi gw maluu ga ngasi apa apa ke mama but its so possible because of our distance. i hate this part so much tapi kan ini uda pilihan gw. yaudalah back topic! walaupun jarak kita jauhh (sebenernya si ya ga jauh jauh amat cuma gw aja kali ya yang rada belebih) tapi intinya gw masih keep communication lah. tapi ya gitu i gotta feel something different that mom always stay there whenever they need uhuh?? eh sst! she is in beside me now! heheh iya gw baru sakit huhu eh nyokap jenguk deeeh.

intinya yah mama aku terima kasih banget uda dijenguk huhu. so many thanks to you and all you give to me. as mommy said "hopefully you'll get everything you want and God will always be with you. Good luck nak!" baik ya nyokap gw??
makasi ya mama sayang and also i hope you will still in my heart ever after and you can make me better everyday because of your smile.
i LOVE you

1 komentar:

sosoinspiring mengatakan...

iya becul becul becul!!

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